Horizon Dreams of Color, LIGHTWELL, Taiwan
Horizon Dreams of Color at LIGHTWELL
January 15, 2022 – March 13 12:00-20:00
‘Horizon Dreams of Color’ features Masakatsu Kondo, Mayuko Ose, Naoya Inose, and Yojiro Imasaka. Continuing from our first pop-up exhibition Evanescent Horizon, THE CLUB, Tokyo would like to continue introducing variety talents from Japan. Please stop by and enjoy the exhibition!!
在這次「Horizon Dreams of Color光之域」的展中,「THE CLUB」將帶來4位畫廊代理的日本當代藝術家,包括:近藤正勝 ( Masakatsu Kondo ) 、猪瀨直哉 ( Naoya Inose ) 、小瀨真由子 ( Mayuko Ose ),以及今坂庸二朗 ( Yojiro Imasaka ) 。透過這4位新銳藝術家的作品,讓臺灣觀眾從繪畫與攝影的視角直接捕捉他們對於色彩的解讀,進而感受這些顏色在空間裡流動穿梭,彷彿置身其中。